
On the water

Azure DevOps Agent Pools: The Power of VMSS

Azure DevOps Agent Pools: The Power of VMSS

Published Dec 31, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

Most recently in conversation with my colleague Jason, I brought up the power of VMSS backed agents.  I covered them in my WhizLabs course, but haven’t discussed them, to date, here in the blog.

Rollbar: Getting Started

Rollbar: Getting Started

Published Dec 17, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

What is Rollbar? They bill themselves as the Continuous Code Improvement Platform with real time AI-assisted workflows.Interestingly enough I found them through a mobile advert and subsequently sig...

Oracle Cloud: VMs, K3s, and Container Registry

Oracle Cloud: VMs, K3s, and Container Registry

Published Dec 9, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

There is one cloud I’ve avoided.  I have feelings about their business policies and treatment of the open source community. However, since Oracle is buying Tik Tok to leverage their Cloud, I decide...

Observability: Epsagon

Observability: Epsagon

Published Dec 1, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

Epsagonwas one of the KubeCon sponsors this year that caught my eye.  They have a tracing suite with a free tier that seemed interesting.  One can track a thousand traces a month in the free tier w...

AliCloud: Container Registry

AliCloud: Container Registry

Published Nov 23, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

I created an AliCloud account a long time back to test their initial K8s offering but never figured out the UI.  I went back to see what they had to offer by way of container registries.  From what...

Container Registries: IBM Cloud

Container Registries: IBM Cloud

Published Nov 22, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

I have yet to try IBM Cloud and decided with Docker’s latest rate limiting on free accounts, it might be worth looking into alternate stores for containers.  IBM Cloud has a small number of free ti...

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